Saturday, 12 May 2012

Greener Grass

As far as I'm aware the source of this saying is unknown but it is likely to be undoubtedly one saying that has been repeated by everyone reading this: 

"The grass is always greener on the other side."


Have you ever looked out over your back garden (those fortunate enough to own one) and compared your grass to that of your neighbours? I recall growing up in Kent admiring the glorious green on the right side of our fence and turning a similar colour with envy (excuse the cheesy pun). Looking back at my own patchy, dry and uneven grass I would imagine what it would be like to have that garden. I mean if the grass was that green surely life in general must be equally as bright? 


It's funny to think that my first encounter with the infamous saying was due to a literal example of grass actually being greener but life soon taught me that I would find myself either being told or telling someone of this for many years to come.

This is one saying that doesn't have to be bludgeoned to death with a descriptive overview of its true meaning. Something that we don't have always seems more attractive to us- plain and simple.

Attending a church event on Friday 11th May led by Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. really put this in a new light for me...

"If the grass is greener on the other side, maybe you're not watering yours enough?"

Greener grass in relationships:

The below picture sums it up amazingly. How many of us have been a singleton in a what appears to be a world full of couples? Single life is meant to be fun, seeing as many people as you want; not having the obligation of answering to nor checking up on someone and just being FREEEEEEEEEE! 

So.... why is it that when you finally are single you cant help but notice that even the ugliest or rudest of your friends seem to be in loving relationships? I mean, this makes no sense whatsoever :s surely life should be more enjoyable for a bachelor or bachelorette after all, Y.O.L.O !

If only you had a boyfriend or girlfriend to... then your life could finally take off to that next step. I mean everything's going well for you; you own a car; steady income; doing fairly well in uni; no kids (or at least none that you know of) and most importantly, you're a pretty good catch if you did say so yourself. For those who might not have figured, I just described myself (minus the lack of clarification regarding offspring) as I too used to adopt this mentality from time to time- I'm only human :(

"If you look for someone to fill a void, you'll forever be empty."

Believing that someone could complete you is just backwards, even in a marriage. When two people say their vows, we would say that on this day 2 have become 1. If having a partner meant that you were completed then surely that means you started off as half a person? I know I sure am not .5 of a man- not in this life anyway.

On the contrast, you could have had the experience of being in a relationship which may even be fruitful or at least satisfactory enough for you to remain in it but looked at your single friends with bitterness in your heart. They always seem so happy. I mean it's not like they have the issues of arguing with their partners, if one of their links pisses them off they have the option of cutting contact with them and moving on to the next one. Not to mention they never have to worry about paying for birthday presents, romantic gestures and all those lovey-dovey things that couples do together (often at the male's expense).

Green eyes cause a bitter heart:

What started off as an admiration for the other side of the grass soon turns into a desire for it consequently causing envy and those who try their utmost to downplay this feeling can become bitter inside. If you were so happy being single then why would seeing others in a relationship cause you to feel a way? 

"All these loved up couples make me sick with their public displays of affection KMT" 

Do not be fooled, although the above may be honestly felt and shared by singletons worldwide I reckon  that each person who says it is secretly jealous for one reason or another. Perhaps they remember a time when they too behaved like that or possibly they would at least like the option of being like that, albeit not to the same degree. 

Don't  be ugly.

Bitterness is always ugly and no matter what side of the fence you're standing on, it never has been an attractive quality. You don't exactly attract people by sharing your disgust for relationships nor do you keep a good relationship by comparing your life to that of your single friends. 

Water your own damn grass!

As opposed to staring at your neighbours green grass, why not spend that time watering your own? I mean after all, beautiful green grass isn't a miracle. As long as time is taken in applying the required elements no doubt that yours too will be green if not greener. Also, just because grass may appear greener from a distance, this doesn't mean that it truly is. Save time in worrying about the other side of the fence and just tighten up yours- for all you know someone is probably dying to have a garden like yours so value what you do have even if you strive for better. I see nothing wrong with a motivated gardener.


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