Friday, 25 March 2011


Progression, Never Regression.

I have always been a supporter of Progression. "Progression, Never Regression"- just one of many quotes I have said over the years. In today's day and age, Progression is one of the most important things I can think of. I'm not trying to go all philosophical or anything... far from. It's just that I believe we as young individuals need to start sitting down and actually evaluating ourselves.

Have you ever felt that you were going nowhere? Or that your life just remains stagnant? Probably, I know I have and it's very normal to feel this way. In fact those of you who have never felt like this might as well stop reading and go and do something more constructive, as I wouldn't want to bore you with my ranting.

On a serious note though, its mainly down to mindset.

Address your way of thinking.

You have dreams of living it large. A big mansion in the suburbs, flashy beamer, benz or bentley, comfortable job, free of debt, money in the bank and a beautiful family. It's good to want these things, there is nothing wrong with having these aspirtions, actually, I promote these aspirations. The only question is do you believe its possible?

"Why not? Im smart, I'm in university, I'm a popular person" True. You may be all of these things and more but I can name a million people just like you. A wise man once told me: "If you wanna have a million pound lifestyle.... you have to change your £5 mentality". It is that simple. Whether you think you will or will not be successful, you WILL be right. The only way to ensure of this is to Progress.

Now at this point you may be wondering: "WTF is this guy chattin about"? Well, I'm about to explain. You cannot move forward in life without removing the dead weight anchoring you in a fixed position. Perhaps you hang around with people who lack drive. You may have a partner you can't see yourself with long-term. Or you may just be refusing to actively pursue your career ambitions. Whatever it is, if it doesn't build you up, tear it down, you'll never move forward if your're being restrained.

Actively seek progression.

I just mentioned 'actively pursue your career ambitions' and I will develop on this. It's all good studying a business and management degree, attending all your lectures (yeah right), handing in every assignment on time and watching Dragon's Den from time to time but that is still being passive. Have you taken the time to research exactly what you want to do within your field? What it takes to get into the industry? Type of day-to-day jobs you'll be performing? Or even the graduate prospects? This is just the first of many steps, it begins here and ends with wherever you want it too, ideally it will be an interview 5 years from now in that dream job.

Attend business functions, any type of event that allows you to network with professionals in your field. Email companies that you would like to work for and ask if you could carry out a placement, internship or even just volunteer your services in exchance for the chance to be able to shadow someone. Getting paid is not important for now, think about the money you'll be making in the future after you establish yourself first, seize the moment. "The window of opportunity hangs on very small hinges". These are just examples, not an exhaustive list.

Progression is subjective.

Some look at Progression in monetary terms: how much more money they have now compared to last year. I was able to sit on my knees for the first time in years the other day (dont judge, dont ask) and that to me was progress. However you choose to look at it, remember that Progression is a subjective construct. Nobody can tell you what progression is as it relates solely to the person who feels they have accomplished it.

I am in no way claiming to be all knowing, or the 'master of progress'. I am a student of life and every time I learn something new about life, I feel compelled to build on it.

That's Progression... Isn't it?


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