Monday, 30 April 2012

Film Review: Marvel's Avengers Assemble (2012)

Back when life was one big adventure...

One thing that many of you may not know about me is that growing up I was a ridonculous fan of all things Marvel. Comic books, action figures, cartoons... the whole shabang; I had it. So when word broke of the official UK release date for 'Marvel's Avengers Assemble' being this month I must say all of the childhood nostalgia came flushing back. 

Let's start with the basics...

UK Release Date: April 26th 2012

Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

Age Certificate: 12 A

Run time: 2 h 22 min

Directed By: Joss Whedon

Written By: Joss Whedon, Zak Penn, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

Starring: Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Jenny Agutter, Gwyneth Paltrow, Paul Bettany & Robert Downey Jr.

Produced By: Kevin Feige

My Rating8.9/10

Still from movie: The Avengers mid-battle


The story revolves around the traditional superhero theme: the Earth is in trouble and set to face certain doom without the help of a brave superhero or in this case superheroes. 

Headed by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), S.H.I.E.L.D is a secret organisation that even the FBI & CIA couldn't dictate orders to. A special agency with the sole task of protecting the World's security at all costs. So when even they proved out of their bounds with a sudden extraterrestrial attack, it was time to call on an elite team of superheroes.

Cue the Avengers; a collection of four of the most revered superheroes ever to grace the memories of children and adults alike across the globe: Captain America (Chris Evans); Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.); Thor (Chris Hemsworth) & The Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo). For good measure two of the worlds most deadliest assassins are also scrambled in to aid the fight for humanity played by Scarlett Johansson & Jeremy Renner. 

I have to say, with all of the hype surrounding this release I was very eager to see whether or not the real film would live up to the hysteria and I was pleasantly surprised to say it ruddy well did!

The first giveaway that the film was going to be good was that it was in 3D, the only thing better than seeing your favourite superheros kick the crap out of some alien pricks is seeing slimy alien blood splash onto the screen as they do it! :-D

Secondly, Scarlett Johansson. Need I even say more? She is easily one of the sexiest women in Hollywood so to see her playing a Russian spy turned American assassin instantly captivated my attention. Not only was she the main eye-candy but more importantly she played her character beautifully.  I must say although I know her suit was padded at the back, boy oh boy did she look great in it! 

Oh yeah!... I would!... THRICE!!!

Scarlett Johansson as 'Black Widow' #Phwoaar!

Anyways.... back to the film, (I often get distracted when I'm perving).

Comical Aspects:

The main thing that I like about the movie is that it actually isn't that cheesy in my opinion, the re-occurring theme is the battle of egos between the avengers (minus The Hulk) which only gets funnier as the movie goes on. In fact, comedy was an integral part of the reason why this film got such a high review, there are some real gems that pop up throughout the film that had me and the audience in stitches.

Engages & builds suspense:

Just when you think the film is about to draw to a satisfactory close and an definite sequel the film shifts it up a gear.

Haven't seen any or all of the respective films?

Don't worry- neither have I. With only previously watching Iron Man 1 & The Incredible Hulk (I didn't enjoy the latter btw), I wasn't sure if I would understand the characters of Captain America & Thor. Again, I'm glad that this misconception was blown squarely out of the water. The movie is great for first time viewers as each of the characters backgrounds and motivations are succinctly explained throughout- something I found very impressive & neatly done.

Those who had watched each of the characters' stand alone films may have been aware that Samuel L. Jackson's character appeared at the end of each of the films (after the credits) which provided the basis for this movie.

Favourite bit? Without spoiling!

Look out for the Hulk, he's the most humble of the superheroes when it comes time to unleash their super powers and with flipping good reason! You don't have to be a comic book geek to appreciate that when a green, giant & wham mamajama gets angry it can't be exactly a good thing. He has one moment in particular where he shows the evil villain Loki, (Tom Hiddleston) the utmost disrespect. With this being said, any additional info on this would be unfair to those yet to see the movie.

Worst bits of the film?

Well, I cannot say I noticed any continuation errors which would have certainly lost ratings. However, there was a moment where someone should have died much faster than they did which I found unrealistic but easily forgiven when you remember the type of film it is. Other than that the film was great.

So why not a 10/10 rating?

The single reason I cannot award this film 10/10 is Spider-Man. Out of all the superheroes, he was my favourite growing up (if you couldn't tell by the first photo) and seeing how Spider-Man was also created by Marvel in conjunction with being like one of, if not the most commercially successful cinematic releases of the Marvel franchise.

So why the heck was he not in the film? 

I mean the action is set in NYC, Spidey's hometown if I'm not mistaken and he's never even mentioned. In the original Avengers comics, he and Wolverine were included in the team along with some noticeable other characters. Now that I have done my research, I've found out that like many problems in this world, money is to blame...

The rights to the Spider-Man (film) isn't owned by Marvel but rather Sony so as this is a Marvel Studios release, it would have been impossible to get Spider-Man in the film . Besides, Peter Parker has so much other ish on his plate, I would't blame him for being too busy for an Avengers link up. Sadly for me and the other fans alike, I don't think Spidey will make an appearance but then again never say never...

I hope you've enjoyed this review and that I didn't give too much away. Even then it would more reason to watch it for yourself but don't make the rookie mistake of watching it in 2D, films like this need to be appreciated in their full cinematic glory.

Anyways, why are you still reading this? Go and buy your tickets to watch it! After all, Orange wednesdays are always a good shout  ;-)

God Sees You

Something that I learnt from this Sunday's service @HillsongLondon:

When questioning if God sees you during your despairs just remember that God never stops seeing you.

Using the example of ordering food in a restaurant, the pastor was able to explain how we should view God:

"If you know the one in charge of your bill has the resources to cover it, it changes how you look at the menu."

In other words, when you know that someone's got your bill covered, you can really go to town with your menu, ordering three of the most expensive courses you can barely manage to pronounce.

The same can be said for God.

If you remember that God always has the resources to cover any aspect in your life, it changes how you look at the problem.

At no point should you think you're alone... God sees you.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Long time no write!

So, its been about 9 months since I last wrote anything and that truly is shameful. I could list a billion some-what true excuses of why that's the case but it would make more sense to go back to what I know best, and that's ranting about topics I feel are relevant and that I can personally talk on.

I can assure you that I am now re-committed to writing as well as I can so know that the best is yet to come.

If you enjoy any of my posts, please follow me whether it be on Blogger, Twitter, Facebook or whatever, I take pride in knowing that at least one person finds my words somewhat useful as this motivates me to continue something I enjoy.


Y.O.L.O.... (apparently)

....There is not one topic or theme more relevant at the moment than *drum-roll* please...............


So. I've done my homework, checked official records and have reached a shocking conclusion. Apart from those who believe in reincarnation, good ol' Drizzy Drake is right, you do only live once*

*please note, anyone who says otherwise is a wizard!

Now how many of us, (emphasis being on us as a collective) go absolutely buck-wild when we hear 'The Motto'? 

I mean.....

 "you only live once, that's the motto n!**a Y.O.L.O!" 

Like just saying it again then made my left foot and my right shoulder start to move in-synch with each other. It was officially one of the hottest tunes out this new year and up till now- no matter how many times you hear it whether it be when you're driving, partying, studying or doing something completely un-Y.O.L.O, you just have to go innnnnnnnnnnnn.

Well if that's not you, then please do take extra time when reading this article as everyone else should be aware that Y.O.L.O is an epidemic that should be regarded as more concerning than global warming, (I mean at the end of the day, who cares if the sea levels rise and we run out of coal? Y.O.L.O!"

This phrase is dangerous!

You see what I mean? Even then when trying to reflect on something of a serious nature I used Y.O.L.O to justify not giving a flying monkey. It is this type of mindset which is the cause of this ever spreading disease which is eroding all common sense and moral values out of society as we know it.

"I do have a man...but tonight I wanna Y.O.L.O."

As funny as that might sound, that is a true statement and a representative account of how we as young adults are living today. 


So it took a tatted up drug addict bouncing around in lime green space boots and printed leggings to let you know that you only lived once? So before that you just assumed that you're like a cat with 9 lives yeah? Cooooooooool.

On reflection, that seems funny, and so obvious. Of course we all knew that life is short and you should seize the day but that doesn't mean you should use it as an excuse for throwing all logic out the window.

The above quote about having a partner but wanting to Y.O.L.O just sums it all up. So because you don't live more than once, you have reason to sleep with anyone and everyone regardless if you're single or not? 

Yes we only live once but STD's are real and that sortta mentality will see to it that you definitely only live once... Albeit, painfully.

One of my boys asked me recently: 

"Adz, what do you think the biggest issue affecting relationships nowadays is?"..... 

and oh shit son, you already know what I said!

From when you have guys in multiple relationships and girls saying things like: 

"He's like Nando's. You can't just have him alone- you need some sides!"

 (again, true statement!), why wouldn't I say the biggest issue is Y.O.L.O?

Hear me out, like I too am guilty of saying the infamous phrase when I'm making a spur of the moment decision and doing something I wouldn't normally do if I was using my head, and quite frankly there's nothing wrong with that.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow"

That's a quote I read on someone's BBM status update which I feel links nicely with this theme. When I think of Y.O.LO, I look at it literally and as an instruction/reminder to always do 3 important things.

1. Go out and see the world.

I recently went to the Big Apple all off the back of me and my homie saying we wanted a holiday and within 3 weeks of that Y.O.L.O moment we were in a sexy apartment in the middle of New York. 


It was a fantastic experience and a well-needed break, I can only hope that in my life I will be able to see more of the world and that's a wish we should all share because believe me, the world is too big to contain yourself to a postcode or city for your whole life, go and live small *Naija accent*.

2. Expand your horizons.

"What do you fancy for lunch? I might go and have some Nigerian".

I overheard this being said by a middle-class, half Italian, half French colleague of mine and it truly blew me away, out of all the dozens of things he could eat for lunch, he opted to go to the food market and try some traditional Nigerian grub.

Seeing about 2 dozen non-nigerian office workers in suits and ties queue up for a small box of jollof or yam porridge almost brought tears to my eyes. These people didn't have to scream Y.O.L.O but were showing that life's too short to be sticking to the script all the time, go out and do something different. Even if it is just eating something you'd normally not look twice at.

3. Live more.

Life is for living, not existing. 

Don't ever forget that, take new opportunities when they arise and remember that the window of opportunity hangs on small hinges so act fast. Whilst we're still young, get the most out of life while we still can as you don't wanna be a bitter old person just reminiscing on all the things you could have, would have or should have done with your life.

So... What was my point again? Oh yes...

As opposed to using YOLO in the current context and doing something stupid, why not just practice what it actually means. Do things that enrich your life. Actively strive for change, progression and anything that will add to your life and the life of those around you. 

Because, at the end of the day, you only live once! (I just couldn't resist saying it once more).  


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